Thursday, March 24, 2016

What about today?

March 24, 2016

Weather Report From Heaven: Sunny and bright, with an abundance of light and lots of singing and rejoicing.
Hebrews 13:5 " Never will I leave you; never will I for forsake you."

We wake up everyday and we get to decide what we focus on and let into our realm of influence. If we look at Social Media to find out how people are feeling about us or to gain some sort of self esteem we re incredibly vulnerable to the fluctuations of human emotions and feelings, which are unstable and ever changing. If we turn on the television or click on news stories, we are likely to be bombarded with sensationalism and political viewpoints designed to influence us in one way or another. There are plenty of things that will distract us or create fearful responses. But if we open the Bible or sit idly in prayer with the God of all Creation, we are able to feel unconditional love, grace and peace which can get us through any trial. Psalm 46:10 instructs us " Be still and know that I am God. " In other words stop striving and start ceasing. Find true peace in the only place it exists, in God.

 The Bible says in 2 Timothy 3:16 that " all Scripture is God-breathed ", which means it is not just ink on a page, it is breath on a page, and it is the truth of all generations, the history of the entire world, that will never change, be subject to emotional mood swings or political correctness, or the whims of today. It is very comforting to know that there is still one place that we get to choses to spend our time with that can offer us the hope that we all so desperately need in this broken and troubled world. The world is constantly in flux and changing, but God's word never does and never will.

God in Hebrews 13:8 " is the same yesterday, today and forever " and we need that assurance in our lives. It is the only eternal truth that is designed for eternity and everything else is a rudderless ship..We can be up today and down tomorrow, winning today and losing tomorrow. Our relationships can go from hot to cold with a single word or thought. Our portfolio's of investment can vanish in an instant, everywhere you turn there is corruption and greed at the highest levels. People are desperate for truth and steadiness in their life. A place where they won't be let down or taken for a wild ride. We need a firm foundation on which to build our lives. Luckily, Jesus is our answer. Matthew 7:24 encourages us " Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on a rock. "

We can have hope for today because Jesus is our rock. He can carry us through any trial and give us strength for today and hope for tomorrow. Luckily, we get to decide still what we focus on each day. The ever changing, unsettled, messiness of the world or the constant rock, consistent love, grace and forgiveness of Christ. Because He will never leave us or forsake us, we have strength to live victoriously for today, and solid hope for tomorrow. Lift your eyes off yourself and place them on the eternal promises of Jesus and you will find strength and joy for today. We spend so much time reliving the pains of the past or worrying about the troubles of the future, that many times we are without strength for today. That is because we allow ourselves to be distracted. The enemy tries to distract us to lose our witness and power of the difference God is making in our lives. We need to remain focused and disciplined on the promises found in the never changing word of God. Everything else is shifting sand. God's word is eternal and His love for us never wanes. Use the promises of tomorrow found in scripture, the hope of the resurrection and eternal life promised to all who are in Christ Jesus, to live victoriously for today. BECAUSE THE TOMB WAS EMPTY, HIS PROMISES ARE NOT. Let that give you strength to fight today.

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