Thursday, September 29, 2011

What's your view of God?

Weather Report From Heaven: Sunny and bright, with an abundance of light and lots of singing and rejoicing.

Bible verse of the Day: Isaiah 55:8-9 " For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."

What is your view of God? No single answer in your life will define your actions more than the answer to that question. Why? Because it is a matter of perspective that will shape how you respond to any situation that happens in your life. In a nutshell, if you have a high view of God, then your problems will seem very small. If you have a low view of God than your problems will seem very large. In fact we tend to want to shrink God down to the size of our largest problem. But it has been said that a low view of God is the cause of 100 lesser evils, while a high view of God relieves us of 10,000 temporal problems. If you believe in the promises of the Bible that He loves you unconditionally and He is always working things out to your benefit, then your won't fear the trials in your life. You will rather learn to view them as growth opportunities that provide us with the ability to draw closer to God in our trust and faith in His ability to work out any problems in our life for our benefit. On the other hand, if you believe God is impersonal and out of touch or reach, and has many other things to worry about than your own personal issues, then you will most likely go through life very fearful, because your view of God is so small. As we grow in our faith, the bigger our view of God should get, and the less fearful we should become. When we codify those beliefs in our hearts and souls we can begin the process of unlearning some of our fears, by trusting more in Him and less on our own abilities to fix our problems. Most of our problems in life are not circumstantial, they are perceptual. Our problems seem really big, because we make God out to be really small. Maybe it's time for us to stop creating God in our image and let Him create us in His. Well, the prophet Isaiah is speaking to the chasm that exists between us and God. It is unfathomable for us to realize just how big that gap is. We are restricted by time and space limitations, while God is not. He can be multiple places simultaneously, working out billions of things for His glory. He is the ultimate multi-tasker. We have found galaxies that exist 12.8 billion light years away from earth. That represents probably only the beginning decimal point of how much greater His ways are than our ways and how much higher His thoughts are than our thoughts. But all of that is meaningless if He isn't there for us on a personal level, able to relate to and have relationship with us individually. Praise God that the veil was torn and the walls came crumbling down by the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, which opened the way for us to directly be connected to the living God through the Holy Spirit. Now the personal relationship we crave with God was made accessible by the grace of God through faith in His Son. God can be intimately involved with all His children now through that sacrifice, and I have personally shared in that love and grace. As I have sought Him, I have found Him. I have learned that God is not great because nothing is to big for Him, but rather God is great because nothing is too small for Him. This is not only illustrated throughout Jesus's ministry on the earth, when His first act of power was to turn the molecular structure of water into wine at a wedding so the party could continue, but also in my personal life when he has removed me from many situations that were crushing my spirit and constricting my growth. Whether learning how to forgive more easily, love more openly, or trust more completely, I can feel His transforming hands all over my life. While I am and always will be a work in progress on this side of the grave, I hate to imagine where I would be without His love in my life. That personal relationship is filled with conversation, wisdom, guidance, power and strength. I have come to depend on Him and His strength more and more as I realize my own limitations. Humility is a childlike characteristic that we should all strive for, realizing that we, like little children, are dependent on another being for our very existence. For that is the beginning of true and liberating wisdom.

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