Weather Report From Heaven: Sunny and bright, with an abundance of light and lots of singing and rejoicing.
Bible Verse of the day: James 1:22 " But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves." (NKJV)
So many things that the Bible teaches us are so easy to say and hear, but so difficult to do. I failed miserably today at being a good neighbor to someone who really ticked me off. The guy showed up my door at 9 am to complain about my dog's " constant barking" which is a total fabrication. I instantly felt my blood pressure rising and my patience immediately wearing thin. I asked him how long he had lived behind us and he said a month and a half. Well in that time, there had been construction either at my house or my neighbor's house every morning without fail which has caused my dog some anxiety as she is just doing her job and barking at the strangers and strange sounds coming from her surroundings. She is a good dog and only does what her God given instincts have told her to do when she is afraid or feels threatened. But what about me? What's my excuse? Why did I react in such a worldly manner of attack mode and impatience rather than trying to have more compassion for the guy's request? Maybe because she is my dog, I am not as aware of the noise she can make when she is upset. But the bigger point is God teaches us through Jesus that being good neighbors is important and that means that we are to pray for those who may not know Him. I feel like my carnal instincts overwhelmed my Christian values this morning and that left me feeling so helpless to live out the word of God in my daily walk. I am convinced that I can live out biblical principles on my own power based on some intellectual enlightenment that I have obtained from reading and hearing the scriptures, rather than pursuing the total character transformation that God requires of those who are followers of His Son, in order to live it out. Why is it so hard to totally surrender? Why is it so hard to have the Christ centered nature become my second nature whenever I deal with the various tests and trials of this world? The power of the flesh over the Spirit is a constant battle that sometimes leaves me utterly fatigued and that is why I so desperately need to surrender all. Jesus has laid out for us that this path can be a struggle, that this path can lead to pain, but ultimately this is the only path that leads to all hope and glory. I get so distracted sometimes that I miss the Forrest through the trees. I had a great chance to witness to this stranger who unexpectedly showed up on my porch this morning to complain about my dog with a calmness and peace that can only come from knowing Jesus Christ. Instead, I showed him the rage and anger that came from him interrupting my life in a way that I didn't appreciate. I pray for the Lord's help in doing better next time. I pray that he will lead me to the peace that comes from surrender and out of the daily conflict of being still stuck in this world, while longing to touch others for His purposes while I am still here. Lord give me all your wisdom, glory and mercy. For as 2nd Corinthians 12:9 says " My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." I am weak Lord to do your will the way I want to and the way you deserve. Please make me strong. Amen!